Posts tagged Ayurveda
Gut Health & Microbiome: Ayurveda & Modern Science with Prof Keith Wallace

This is a transcription from Mark's Ancient Wisdom from Modern Health Podcast. Original PODCAST Available Here (Scroll to Episode #46) Mark Bunn: (MB) Welcome to an absolutely fascinating chat about gut health with one of the world's leading researchers and scientists on this whole area; Dr. Keith Wallace. If you're like me, 30 years ago you probably never spoke the term “gut health”. Today, gut health is spoken about everywhere. Keith is one of the world's premier researchers and scientists in the area of physiology and consciousness. He was the first scientist to show a fourth state of human consciousness in his doctoral dissertation at UCLA.

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Astrology, Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) & Knowing Your Future

This is a transcription from Mark's Ancient Wisdom from Modern Health Podcast. As such it won't read like the written word & pls excuse any typo's or strange translations! Original PODCAST Available Here (Scroll down to Episode #32) One day a father and son go camping. They set up their camp, pitch their tent and get out their sleeping bags. During the night the young boy wakes up and he looks up to the sky and sees all the stars. He wakes his dad up. He says, "Dad, dad, look! what can you see?" And the dad says, "Oh, wow son, yes. I can see Taurus and Sagittarius and Scorpio. Amazing, isn't it? What do you see, son?" The son says, "Well, someone’s bloody-well stolen our tent, Dad.”

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Forest Bathing, Earthing and Nature Immersion

The amazing benefits for our mental health, physical health, happiness & more. The best healing sanctuary in the world is all about forest bathing. Mother nature at her best, is what we're talking about today. Science is now backing up the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, about the importance of human beings being connected to Mother Nature.

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Sun Gazing: Do You Do This Early Morning High Performance Ritual?

Do you sun gaze or at least connect to the early morning sun as a daily practice? Are you aware of the incredible mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of such a daily ritual? While many of us know about high-performers morning habits such as making their bed, planning their day and exercising, connecting with early morning sunlight is not so well know.

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Ayurvedic Tongue Scraping – is brushing teeth not enough?

*This is a REPOST of the blog from August 13, 2012 Did you scrape your tongue this morning? Good news. Another ancient health practice has recently been accepted and promoted by modern experts. Have you been to buy a toothbrush lately, and noticed many companies marketing a tongue cleaner on the back of their brushes? Promoted as a way to rid yourself of bacteria that accumulates on the surface of your tongue, they actually have a lot of merit.

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Cataracts – Ayurvedic Natural Remedies​ to Try Before Surgery

If so, ​before you commit to surgery or other more invasive procedures, you may like to try these natural Ayurvedic remedies. ​ 1. Swirl some water in your mouth mixing in quite a bit of saliva. Spit the ‘saliva water’ into eye bath(s) [available from any chemist], and regularly do an eye bath. Have the saliva water wash over the eyes. Sounds gross? Think I’m pulling your leg? I'm not. It's a not-so-well known alternative treatment for cataracts. The enzymes in saliva are extremely effective at breaking down cataracts.

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Oil Pulling – The Ayurvedic Way to Supreme Oral Health & More

You might have heard me talk a lot over the years about the Ayurvedic concept of oral hygiene. I've discussed the problems associated with using commercial mouthwashes , and how in Ayurvedic medicine it is being prescribed for thousands of years to combine this with daily tongue scraping for keeping the mouth truly clean and the teeth and gums strong and healthy.

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Ayurveda & Vedic Science: The Science of Life

Ayurveda comes from the ancient Vedic tradition of India1, where it has been practised for more than 6,000 years. It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the world’s oldest continuous system of Natural health-care. In its sanskrit roots, ‘veda’, means ‘pure knowledge’ or science, and ‘ayus’ means ‘life’. So Ayurveda is understood as ‘the total knowledge or science of life’. Ayurveda is both a time-tested science, having a recorded history of thousands of years as well as containing a history of highly evolved, healthy and long-lived individuals.

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Healthy (Busy) Mums – Ayurvedic Tips

Not long ago I read that the average mother these days gets about 20 minutes to herself a day. (Seeing my sister with her 3 girls, I can hear her shouting, like I’m guessing you might be, “20 minutes, oh I wish!”) As a mum these days (you not me!), it is an unbelievably difficult challenge to do what you desire for your kids, your family, your work, before you even get a moment to think about yourself. Equally, as they say, “Our greatest wealth is our health”. While nearly every mum will say that healthy kids is their number one priority, it’s also logical, though not necessarily easy, that looking after your own health is the absolute first step in looking after your family’s health.

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Honey – Why You Should NEVER Put It in Hot Water / Teas

Big in the media at present (being ‘cold & sore throat’ season), is the virtues of adding honey to hot drinks. I think Boost Juice, even have a lemon; honey ‘hottie’…which I assume is a hot tea. Do you ever do that? Honey is certainly in many respects an extremely powerful medicine – antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral etc. It can be great for colds*, clearing sinuses/congestion etc etc. However, you should ‘NEVER ADD HONEY TO ‘BOILING WATER’.!!!

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Spice up your Health with Ginger, Turmeric and Cardamom!

Like to add massive anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, digestion/metabolism boosting activity to your body each day? Sometimes we can get so consumed analysing calories, fat ratios, vitamin, etc, we forget about the unbelievable power of traditional herbs/spices – not the KFC variety!!! As a rule, we westerners don’t use spices nearly enough, so if you are not already, add some or all of the following into your cooking to start reaping some amazing benefits.

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Ayurveda Food Wisdom – Eating ‘Light’ at Night

The evening meal – a key to super energy, good sleep and weight loss … or to sickness and suffering Food that we do not digest by the time we go to bed sows the seeds of sickness and disease. If there was a pill that could give us up to 50% more energy, significantly reduce our risk of chronic disease and almost guarantee a healthy weight for the rest of our life, many people would probably pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for it. Ironically, 90 – 95% of us (Westerners) do something each and every day that, if changed, could deliver all the above benefits and more. It doesn’t take any more time out of one’s day, actually saves money, and is a hallmark of the healthiest, longest living people throughout time. It is the most basic, simple, yet rarely followed wisdom of ‘eating light at night’.

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Sleep – the keys to healthy slumber!

Would you like the worlds most powerful drug for reducing stress, completely detoxing & rejuvenating your whole mind & body, preventing premature ageing, and almost guaranteeing a long, healthy life. Well, the reality is, you already ‘naturally’, have access to something that does all that everyday…and it has no side effects & doesn’t cost a cent. It’s called ……..’Proper Sleep’. And the best thing for Proper Sleep, is arguably the world’s oldest, most prescribed health advice of all time.

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Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 1

I’ve just returned from a month in India with one of India’s greatest exponents of Ayurvedic medicine – Doctor JR Raju. It was said that there are only five families in India/the world that possess the full knowledge of Ayurveda, and that Dr Raju belongs to one of them. Anyway, I thought this month (and next) you might enjoy some of the more ‘everyday’ health wisdoms as recounted by Doctor Raju in a few of the seminars and private meetings I was fortunate enough to have with him. I have started with three tips. I hope you enjoy.

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Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 2

In contrast to our modern Western way of wanting to go ‘cold turkey’ or change bad habits ‘overnight’, in Ayurveda, it is recommended that any behavioural change is done gradually. Doctor Raju even mentioned that this applies when wanting to give up or change some ‘unwholesome’ or ‘health compromising’ behaviour. E.g. smoking, weaning off drugs or eating yoghurt at night.

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