Posts tagged Immunity
Gut Health & Microbiome: Ayurveda & Modern Science with Prof Keith Wallace

This is a transcription from Mark's Ancient Wisdom from Modern Health Podcast. Original PODCAST Available Here (Scroll to Episode #46) Mark Bunn: (MB) Welcome to an absolutely fascinating chat about gut health with one of the world's leading researchers and scientists on this whole area; Dr. Keith Wallace. If you're like me, 30 years ago you probably never spoke the term “gut health”. Today, gut health is spoken about everywhere. Keith is one of the world's premier researchers and scientists in the area of physiology and consciousness. He was the first scientist to show a fourth state of human consciousness in his doctoral dissertation at UCLA.

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Winter Colds and Flu – How to avoid them

There’s nothing like a cold or flu spreading through an office or workplace to sabotage individual and team productivity and performance. Would you like to cruise through winter this year without coming down with a cold or flu? If so, then ‘now’ is the time to get preventing. The seasons are a changing and now (Autumn – on the change of seasons) is when the imbalances that cause colds & flu’s start. Follow the tips below to enjoy a cold & flu free winter this year.

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