Posts tagged Earthing
Forest Bathing, Earthing and Nature Immersion

The amazing benefits for our mental health, physical health, happiness & more. The best healing sanctuary in the world is all about forest bathing. Mother nature at her best, is what we're talking about today. Science is now backing up the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, about the importance of human beings being connected to Mother Nature.

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Earthing – a Great Health Discovery of our Time

Hi everyone – I don’t say this often but this is one of the most important and exciting blogs I’ve written for a long time. Imagine if there was a completely ‘natural’ (and generally ‘free’) way to get one of the world’s most powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging medicines, which evidence is starting to suggest may help everything from heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and joint pain, insomnia, auto-immune diseases, to athletic performance. Now imagine it was ‘right under your feet’! Guess what? It literally is, and now you get it under your feet while indoors!

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