Posts tagged Positive Psychology
Mental Health and Happiness through the Power of Positivity & Good News

Positive psychology says we need more good news in our world. We've all heard how important it is to be in a positive frame of mind. Of course, this same sentiment has been around for thousands of years in the ancient cultures.Good in theory, not always so easy in practice. So what can we do to help our mental health and hopefully reduce things like anxiety and depression?

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Play – The Key to Staying Young at Heart!

Remember when you were a little kid, and hours would go by without you even knowing? How did that happen? You were ‘PLAYING’. Whatever it was for you – cars, trucks, Barbie, doctors & nurses, rubbing the inside of your mates undies with ‘tiger balm’ (ouch!) etc etc, you certainly weren’t worrying about work, money or anything else we worry about as adults.

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Ayurveda Food Wisdom – Eating ‘Light’ at Night

The evening meal – a key to super energy, good sleep and weight loss … or to sickness and suffering Food that we do not digest by the time we go to bed sows the seeds of sickness and disease. If there was a pill that could give us up to 50% more energy, significantly reduce our risk of chronic disease and almost guarantee a healthy weight for the rest of our life, many people would probably pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for it. Ironically, 90 – 95% of us (Westerners) do something each and every day that, if changed, could deliver all the above benefits and more. It doesn’t take any more time out of one’s day, actually saves money, and is a hallmark of the healthiest, longest living people throughout time. It is the most basic, simple, yet rarely followed wisdom of ‘eating light at night’.

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Office Health – Bringing Nature (Plants) to You!

BRING NATURE TO YOU: Ever noticed that by the end of the week, you just want to ‘get out of your stuffy office’ and ‘get some fresh air’/get back near Nature? One of the best ways to avoid that feeling as well as to improve your mood, workplace productivity, energy levels & resistance to illness is to bring Nature to you. A study by Professor Margaret Burchett, of the University of Technology, Sydney, found that potplants can reduce air toxins by as much as 20%. A study on houseplants has shown they reduce, fatigue, sore throats & cold symptoms by over 30%. What about at work? Studies in Europe have shown potplants in the office can reduce ‘sick leave’ by 60%.

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Sweet Cravings – how to reduce them

Do you ever get sweet cravings, even though you have just eaten? Ever wondered what to do about them? Here’s 3 simple things that can help. 1. UNDERSTAND CRAVINGS ARE NATURAL, BUT REDUCE STRESS Don’t be hard on yourself or feel you a are ‘weak’ to give in to cravings. Your body is ‘infinitely intelligent’ and cravings are just its way of telling you what you need. The problem is when we are stressed, because then we ‘choose’ non-healthy ways to satisfy the craving. So the No.1 Step is always to reduce stress, get plenty of rest and follow a good daily routine.

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Space – The Key to Better Life Balance

Are you enjoying good Work-Life Balance? If so great, if not read on for the all important first step.
We know creating better life balance is about being clear on what’s most important/meaningful for us, eliminating the ‘small’ stuff & prioritising etc etc, however many of us never get around to doing it…because our life is so full/’busy’. To enjoy the life balance we desire, we need to break this cycle and create some ‘space’ in our life. Without periods of space, silence…doing ‘nothing’ (argggghhhh!), we can never truly know what it is that we most desire, what it is that will bring us the balance & fulfillment we crave.

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Emotional or Physical Health – which is more important?

Do you think that there are 10 things, far more important for your health than eating the right food or exercising regularly etc? Backed up by both modern & ancient health science research and based on the now irrefutable truth that, your ’emotional health’ is far more important long-term than physically ‘being healthy’- having the ideal diet etc (that is still good), we have devised a special list of ’10 more important things for a healthy, happy life than proper food & exercise’. We will send out one of these regularly, starting today. We hope you enjoy.

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