Posts tagged MindBody
Breathing as Nature Intended – Nose vs Mouth & More

Like to know a simple way to reduce snoring, asthma (& other breathing problems), sinus/congestion problems, tiredness, stress, colds/infections, free radical damage etc etc and …increase/improve mind-body integration, mental clarity, concentration, fat metabolism, the health of your spine & all your vital ‘internal’ organs…etc etc? It’s all possible, simply by BREATHING how Nature intended.

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Ayurveda Food Wisdom – Eating ‘Light’ at Night

The evening meal – a key to super energy, good sleep and weight loss … or to sickness and suffering Food that we do not digest by the time we go to bed sows the seeds of sickness and disease. If there was a pill that could give us up to 50% more energy, significantly reduce our risk of chronic disease and almost guarantee a healthy weight for the rest of our life, many people would probably pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for it. Ironically, 90 – 95% of us (Westerners) do something each and every day that, if changed, could deliver all the above benefits and more. It doesn’t take any more time out of one’s day, actually saves money, and is a hallmark of the healthiest, longest living people throughout time. It is the most basic, simple, yet rarely followed wisdom of ‘eating light at night’.

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Sleep – the keys to healthy slumber!

Would you like the worlds most powerful drug for reducing stress, completely detoxing & rejuvenating your whole mind & body, preventing premature ageing, and almost guaranteeing a long, healthy life. Well, the reality is, you already ‘naturally’, have access to something that does all that everyday…and it has no side effects & doesn’t cost a cent. It’s called ……..’Proper Sleep’. And the best thing for Proper Sleep, is arguably the world’s oldest, most prescribed health advice of all time.

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Travel Health – Fly Well!

Most people greatly underestimate the effect travel (particularly flying), has on their body. The combination of being out of routine, pressurised (dehydrating) cabins, poor food (if you can call airline food, food), being seated for extended periods & possibly added stress of rushing for flights/flight changes etc, can really take it’s toll – especially if you have to travel regularly.

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Menstruation & PMS – An Ayurvedic View

COMPULSORY reading for all MEN. It might help make you a better partner/ boss/ friend…so read on. Just skip to The ‘Tips for Men’ section at bottom if you don’t want/can’t handle, the details. Think of 3 letters that spark anguish into the mind of any woman in their middle years… P.M.S. While this can be a popular topic for jokes, it’s certainly no laughing matter for any woman who gets it (or their partners!). As I believe most people (men & women), don’t fully appreciate the seriousness of the ‘health affects’ associated with this ‘imbalance’, now we look at one way both ‘men’ & women can help alleviate the many problems associated with PMS.

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Winter Hibernation - as Mother Nature intended!

Do you ever get tired of trying to be a dynamic, high energy, high activity person all year round? Well the good news is, you not only don’t need to be, but it’s actually healthier if you don’t try to be. That’s right. You see, the ancient science of Ayurveda explains that just as there are daily ‘rejuvenation’ cycles (you can’t be dynamic during the day if you don’t get proper rest at night), there are also powerful ‘seasonal’ cycles of rest & activity.

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Emotional or Physical Health – which is more important?

Do you think that there are 10 things, far more important for your health than eating the right food or exercising regularly etc? Backed up by both modern & ancient health science research and based on the now irrefutable truth that, your ’emotional health’ is far more important long-term than physically ‘being healthy’- having the ideal diet etc (that is still good), we have devised a special list of ’10 more important things for a healthy, happy life than proper food & exercise’. We will send out one of these regularly, starting today. We hope you enjoy.

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Sun Exposure & Vitamin D – Why You Need to Get Naked at Noon?

Did you know that getting some sun at the exact time most experts tell you NOT to – in the ‘middle of the day’ – may in fact be absolutely critical for your health! With some great media coverage and work by groups such as the Australian Cancer Council over the last few years, most of us are now aware of the widespread problems associated with vitamin D deficiency.

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