Posts tagged WorkLife Balance
Office Health – Bringing Nature (Plants) to You!

BRING NATURE TO YOU: Ever noticed that by the end of the week, you just want to ‘get out of your stuffy office’ and ‘get some fresh air’/get back near Nature? One of the best ways to avoid that feeling as well as to improve your mood, workplace productivity, energy levels & resistance to illness is to bring Nature to you. A study by Professor Margaret Burchett, of the University of Technology, Sydney, found that potplants can reduce air toxins by as much as 20%. A study on houseplants has shown they reduce, fatigue, sore throats & cold symptoms by over 30%. What about at work? Studies in Europe have shown potplants in the office can reduce ‘sick leave’ by 60%.

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Winter Hibernation - as Mother Nature intended!

Do you ever get tired of trying to be a dynamic, high energy, high activity person all year round? Well the good news is, you not only don’t need to be, but it’s actually healthier if you don’t try to be. That’s right. You see, the ancient science of Ayurveda explains that just as there are daily ‘rejuvenation’ cycles (you can’t be dynamic during the day if you don’t get proper rest at night), there are also powerful ‘seasonal’ cycles of rest & activity.

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Space – The Key to Better Life Balance

Are you enjoying good Work-Life Balance? If so great, if not read on for the all important first step.
We know creating better life balance is about being clear on what’s most important/meaningful for us, eliminating the ‘small’ stuff & prioritising etc etc, however many of us never get around to doing it…because our life is so full/’busy’. To enjoy the life balance we desire, we need to break this cycle and create some ‘space’ in our life. Without periods of space, silence…doing ‘nothing’ (argggghhhh!), we can never truly know what it is that we most desire, what it is that will bring us the balance & fulfillment we crave.

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