Posts tagged Sunlight
Solariums / Sun Beds – Dangerous Killers or Potential Life Savers?

Solariums / Sun Beds: Rather than a danger could they actually ‘improve’ your health or even ‘save’ your life? How the UV & Vitamin D benefits of sun beds can outweigh the dangers & why they should ‘NOT’ be banned based on both common sense, ancient wisdom and the latest modern science, the ‘intelligent’ use of ‘properly designed’ solariums or sunbeds may NOT only be entirely safe, but could potentially avoid many thousands of cases of serious illness and even deaths throughout the world each year. This might even apply to you or someone close to you. It applies most particularly during the winter months, where vitamin D producing sunshine is rare, or where individuals cannot access sufficient natural UVB radiation.

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Spring Cleaning …for your body too!!!

Spring is the best time of year not only for cleaning your brick house but also for your more important house – your body. So we have some tips for some ‘internal’ spring cleaning to help you feel great inside & out. 1. START TO REDUCE YOUR OVERALL FOOD INTAKE – ESPECIALLY ‘HEAVY/OILY’ FOODS Remember, our digestive fire is strongest in winter, but reduces as we progress towards the warmer months. Eating the same foods now as you did in winter will be harder to digest, so begin going towards a ‘lighter diet’. Particularly in Spring, remember…’To feel Bright…Eat Light’.

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Sunlight… Why You Should Avoid It At Your Peril!

A Natural Wisdom Guide to the Importance of Sunlight, Why Getting ‘Too Little’ Midday Sun Can Be Fatal and a More Holistic View of Skin Cancer This article is an extended version of what appears in Mark’s first book of his ‘Wisdoms of Health’ series: ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ – the simple secrets of the world’s healthiest and longest living people. Do you think that the only problem regarding the sun is getting too much…as opposed to too little?

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Sun Exposure & Vitamin D – Why You Need to Get Naked at Noon?

Did you know that getting some sun at the exact time most experts tell you NOT to – in the ‘middle of the day’ – may in fact be absolutely critical for your health! With some great media coverage and work by groups such as the Australian Cancer Council over the last few years, most of us are now aware of the widespread problems associated with vitamin D deficiency.

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