Posts tagged Exercise
Exercise – when ‘NOT’ to!

I had a pizza while out with some friends some time ago …yes, I said a pizza!!! “oh my God, the health guy eats pizza”!!! It’s true, but don’t tell me you too have been brainwashed into thinking pizza’s are necessarily ‘bad’ or too heavy for dinner. If you get a gourmet vegetarian pizza and take off the excess cheese (easier if you get cheese cubes not melted), what do you have??…toasted bread & vegetables.

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Barefoot Running / Walking – Are Your Runners Killing You? Why You Should ‘Go Natural’!

The more you pay for runners …the more likely you are to get injured! It’s true, the multimillion dollar industry around the technology and science of creating running shoes is a farce. About a year ago, I had this intuitive feeling to start walking and running on soft grass. Instead of pounding the pavement in my runners and gradually sensing that my knees and joints were getting sorer, I started to take my shoes and socks off and start jogging on a grass oval near where I live.

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Spring Cleaning …for your body too!!!

Spring is the best time of year not only for cleaning your brick house but also for your more important house – your body. So we have some tips for some ‘internal’ spring cleaning to help you feel great inside & out. 1. START TO REDUCE YOUR OVERALL FOOD INTAKE – ESPECIALLY ‘HEAVY/OILY’ FOODS Remember, our digestive fire is strongest in winter, but reduces as we progress towards the warmer months. Eating the same foods now as you did in winter will be harder to digest, so begin going towards a ‘lighter diet’. Particularly in Spring, remember…’To feel Bright…Eat Light’.

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Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism is one of the popular buzzwords these days. Like to make sure your metabolism – basically the process of converting food into energy and using that energy (calories) to run your body – is at its peak? If you are having trouble shifting a few kilograms, feeling a little sluggish or just want to stay energised and feeling great, try these.

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Emotional or Physical Health – which is more important?

Do you think that there are 10 things, far more important for your health than eating the right food or exercising regularly etc? Backed up by both modern & ancient health science research and based on the now irrefutable truth that, your ’emotional health’ is far more important long-term than physically ‘being healthy’- having the ideal diet etc (that is still good), we have devised a special list of ’10 more important things for a healthy, happy life than proper food & exercise’. We will send out one of these regularly, starting today. We hope you enjoy.

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Weight Loss – Is High or Low Intensity Exercise Best?

If exercising for weight loss/weight management, don’t make the mistake that you have to exercise at high intensity. It’s commonly prescribed that the higher intensity, the greater the calories we burn. While this is true (during exercise), the calories burned in one high intensity workout is insignificant in comparison to the calories from one decent meal.

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Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 2

In contrast to our modern Western way of wanting to go ‘cold turkey’ or change bad habits ‘overnight’, in Ayurveda, it is recommended that any behavioural change is done gradually. Doctor Raju even mentioned that this applies when wanting to give up or change some ‘unwholesome’ or ‘health compromising’ behaviour. E.g. smoking, weaning off drugs or eating yoghurt at night.

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