Posts tagged Metabolism
Fruits and Vegetables – Healthy or not?

I am writing in response to a scientific study that you may have read about. Media outlets everywhere have been trumpeting the finding that fruits and vegetables give no protective effect or in any way reduce cancer!!! Interesting, to say the least. I hear that many nutritionists and dietitians are still trying to pick themselves up from the floor! My intention here, is not to discount or lightly dismiss such a study. In fact, the finding does not surprise me in the least…

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Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism is one of the popular buzzwords these days. Like to make sure your metabolism – basically the process of converting food into energy and using that energy (calories) to run your body – is at its peak? If you are having trouble shifting a few kilograms, feeling a little sluggish or just want to stay energised and feeling great, try these.

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Breakfast – Is ‘NOT’ the most important meal of the day

An abbreviated excerpt from ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ – Book 1. If you have heard anything about healthy eating in recent times, you will no doubt be aware of the suggestion that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. Alternatively, ‘You need to have a good, hearty breakfast to get your day off on the right note’. Or, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper’. As this is a fairly universally accepted part of modern health science these days, it is worth seeing if it is true. In two words, it’s ‘ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!’

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