Posts tagged Sleep
Sleep – the keys to healthy slumber!

Would you like the worlds most powerful drug for reducing stress, completely detoxing & rejuvenating your whole mind & body, preventing premature ageing, and almost guaranteeing a long, healthy life. Well, the reality is, you already ‘naturally’, have access to something that does all that everyday…and it has no side effects & doesn’t cost a cent. It’s called ……..’Proper Sleep’. And the best thing for Proper Sleep, is arguably the world’s oldest, most prescribed health advice of all time.

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Warm Milk for Better Sleep

Having trouble getting to sleep or would just like a more settled sleep? From Western science, we know that an essential amino acid called ‘tryptophan‘, helps promote sleep. In Ayurvedic science, we know that ‘warm nourishing’ things, help settle the nervous system and therefore assist settled sleep. Put the two together and we see why ‘warm milk’ (milk contains ‘tryptophan’) is a great age-old remedy* for sleep.

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Metabolism Boosters

Metabolism is one of the popular buzzwords these days. Like to make sure your metabolism – basically the process of converting food into energy and using that energy (calories) to run your body – is at its peak? If you are having trouble shifting a few kilograms, feeling a little sluggish or just want to stay energised and feeling great, try these.

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