Posts tagged Milk
Warm Milk for Better Sleep

Having trouble getting to sleep or would just like a more settled sleep? From Western science, we know that an essential amino acid called ‘tryptophan‘, helps promote sleep. In Ayurvedic science, we know that ‘warm nourishing’ things, help settle the nervous system and therefore assist settled sleep. Put the two together and we see why ‘warm milk’ (milk contains ‘tryptophan’) is a great age-old remedy* for sleep.

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Raw Milk – Healthy or Hazardous?

In the news this week was a major article about whether raw milk (unpasteurised) was healthy or harmful. If you are not aware, there is quite a large underground movement of people who drink raw milk. I.e. milk that is unpasteurised. However, because unpasteurised milk is considered illegal by authorities (in Australia), health food shops that sell it, can only sell it for ‘cosmetic purposes’, often labelling it as ‘bath’ milk (e.g. Cleopatra’s Bath milk)..

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Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 1

I’ve just returned from a month in India with one of India’s greatest exponents of Ayurvedic medicine – Doctor JR Raju. It was said that there are only five families in India/the world that possess the full knowledge of Ayurveda, and that Dr Raju belongs to one of them. Anyway, I thought this month (and next) you might enjoy some of the more ‘everyday’ health wisdoms as recounted by Doctor Raju in a few of the seminars and private meetings I was fortunate enough to have with him. I have started with three tips. I hope you enjoy.

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