Posts tagged Weight Management
Paleo Diet & Ayurveda: Healthy or Harmful?

1 MINUTE OVERVIEW The Paleo Diet (and other similar ones) and the general Paleo philosophy is great in terms of focusing us back on ‘real’ food (eliminating processed/junk food), minimising or avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sugar, as well as for promoting good exercise. However, according to ancient, time-tested health sciences such as Ayurveda, the heavy emphasis on meat, and completely avoiding grains, dairy, and legumes is not ideal.

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Why ‘How’ you eat is as (more) important as ‘What’ you eat

We often emphasise the importance of eating in a settled way to ensure proper digestion and avoiding many of the problems associated with food. So today, I want you to make a special focus on eating a ‘proper’ lunch(or dinner if suits)…and see if you notice the difference. When you can give yourself a minimum of 30 minutes, but preferably a 45 minute break from work, observe each of the following;

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Grazing – Ayurveda’s View

“Don’t be a Cow” …nothing personal, I’m talking about ‘grazing’. Grazing – eating lots of small meals regularly throughout the day has become an all popular pillar of many weight loss & energy boosting regimes in recent times. It came about because most people generally eat ‘too much’ at any given meal, thus overloading their digestion, leading to sluggishness & weight gain etc.

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Weight Loss – Is High or Low Intensity Exercise Best?

If exercising for weight loss/weight management, don’t make the mistake that you have to exercise at high intensity. It’s commonly prescribed that the higher intensity, the greater the calories we burn. While this is true (during exercise), the calories burned in one high intensity workout is insignificant in comparison to the calories from one decent meal.

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