Sugar – Is it Killing You?

Sugar. . . raw sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, natural sugar, sugar substitutes, fructose, sucrose, glucose, artificial sweeteners, Stevia, agave nectar, coconut sugar, palm sugar!!! Yikes! Everywhere you turn these days, there is some article, debate or new type of sugar. Why? Because we are starting to realise just how dangerous regular sugar is, and more importantly, how we are consuming far too much (often unknowingly) and putting our health. . . and in some cases our lives in danger.

I have been looking into this topic recently, from both a modern science perspective as well as the wisdom of Eastern health sciences, including Ayurveda. As I couldn’t do the topic justice in just a short blog, I have put a full article on every aspect of sugar and how you might reduce it in your diet to safe and healthy levels. Read it here –

Sugar – is it killing you?


Mark Bunn is the Founder of Dharmic Living and author of the three-time best-selling ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health‘.


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