Posts tagged Winter Food
Ayurvedic Winter Eating!

You probably think this tip is so plainly obvious it is ridiculous to even mention it. Basically, as we move into the colder months, the tip is that you should eat ‘warmer’ foods. While we often try to make staying healthy complicated and confusing, staying in balance is often easier than we think. Nature works on opposites. When the weather is colder…eat warmer foods, to balance your body. Sounds simple but you would be amazed how often people don’t follow this ‘intuitively’ common sense practice. Because we can get ‘brainwashed’ into thinking certain foods are healthier because of less fat, more vitamins etc, we can forget that the ‘quality’ of the food we eat (whether it warms, cools, dries etc) is also highly important.

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Winter Salads – Why they are not Ideal!

Do you like salad sandwiches because they’re easy & healthy? Do you think eating ‘rabbit food’ all year round is a good thing? While it’s true salads / salad sandwiches etc are better than a pie & chips (most of the time!), in winter it’s important not to overdose on salads. While reducing your chances of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, the ancient science of Ayurveda, explains that too much ‘cold’, ‘dry’ (non-oily) rabbit food (especially in winter), can increase your incidence of joint pain, digestive & circulation problems, migraines /headaches, lowered immunity (more colds/flu’s) etc.

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