Posts tagged Health Fads
Charcoal Water: Healthy or Harmful?

Heard about charcoal water yet? It’s one of the big health items – detox drinks - for 2017. While at my wholefoods store recently I decided to buy some to see what it was like. I had not bothered to research it at this point, as I’ll try most things once anyway, and thought it would also make a nice surprise for my partner Luisa. (As an aside, I text said partner about the surprise knowing she likes the anticipatory excitement! I leave out the specifics and later discover she was thinking ‘hmmm, a yummy treat!’)

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Dental Health – Dangers of Root Canals

Back in 1990, Victorians will remember that Collingwood won their first premiership in a few decades (I wish it was a few decades longer!). As a 19-year-old, I went with a few of my mates to party at their home ground – Victoria Park – after they won. As I was just about to raise a glass stubby of Victorian Bitter Beer (I was all class back then!) to my lips, a mate of mine smacked me in the back of the head (as you do) causing me to chip my front tooth on the stubby. While it certainly didn’t stop me from having a big night partying, I later found out that I had a pretty reasonable chip to my tooth, which later needed root canal therapy to remove the nerve.

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